
Karen Weisinger, Kayam, Galya , Missulawin-Drillman, Talya , and Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit . 2010. Analysis Of Expression And Function Of Fgf-Mapk Signaling Components In The Hindbrain Reveals A Central Role For Fgf3 In The Regulation Of Krox20, Mediated By Pea3. Developmental Biology, 344, Pp. 881–895. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2010.06.001. Abstract
The development of the vertebrate hindbrain requires multiple coordinated signals which act via several pathways. One such signal is Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), which is necessary for the patterning of a major transcription factor in the hindbrain, Krox20. However, in the chick, it is still not known which specific FGF ligand is responsible for the regulation of Krox20 and how the signal is dispatched. The most characterized signaling pathway which FGF acts through in the nervous system is the MAPK/Erk1/2 pathway. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of the hindbrain distribution of various components of this pathway has not been fully described. In this study we present a comprehensive atlas of the FGF ligands, receptors and members of the MAPK/Erk1/2 signaling components in subsequent stages of avian hindbrain development. Moreover, we show that FGF is a major signaling pathway that contributes to the activation of ERK1/2 and expression of the downstream targets Pea3 and Erm. Central to this study, we provide multiple evidence that FGF3 is required for the upregulation of Pea3 that in turn is necessary for Krox20 distribution in rhombomeres 3 and 5. These results show for the first time that Pea3 mediates the FGF3 signal to regulate the hindbrain expression of Krox20.
Hadas Tilleman, Hakim, Vicky , Novikov, Orna , Liser, Keren , Nashelsky, Limor , Di Salvio, Michela , Krauthammer, Mark , Scheffner, Oren , Maor, Ido , Mayseless, Oded , Meir, Inbal , Kayam, Galya , Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit , Simeone, Antonio , and Brodski, Claude . 2010. Bmp5/7 In Concert With The Mid-Hindbrain Organizer Control Development Of Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus Neurons. Molecular And Cellular Neuroscience, 45, Pp. 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2010.05.003. Abstract
The locus coeruleus (LC) which is the major noradrenergic nucleus in the brain develops under the influence of Bmps secreted by the roof plate and Fgf8 emitted from the mid-hindbrain organizer. We studied the development of the LC in different Bmp mouse mutants and report the absence of this nucleus in Bmp5-/-;Bmp7-/- double knockouts. Notably, genes marking organizers and neuronal populations adjacent to the LC precursor field are unperturbed in Bmp5-/-;Bmp7-/- animals. In addition, we found that in En1+/Otx2 mutants in which the caudal Otx2 expression domain and thereby the mid-hindbrain organizer are shifted caudally, LC neurons are concomitantly reduced along with Bmp5/7. Complementing these results, Otx1-/-;Otx2+/- mutants, in which the mid-hinbrain organizer is shifted rostrally, show a rostrally extended Bmp5 expression area and an increase in LC neurons. Taken together, our data indicate that LC development requires either Bmp5 or Bmp7, and one is able to compensate for the loss of the other. In addition, we conclude that the position of the mid-hindbrain organizer determines the size of the LC and propose that Bmp5/7 play an important role in mediating this organizer function.
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld, Kayam, Galya , and Wilkinson, David G. 2009. Boundary Cells Regulate A Switch In The Expression Of Fgf3 In Hindbrain Rhombomeres. Bmc Developmental Biology, 9. doi:10.1186/1471-213X-9-16. Abstract
Background. During formation of the vertebrate central nervous system, the hindbrain is organized into segmental units, called rhombomeres (r). These cell-lineage restricted segments are separated by a subpopulation of cells known as boundary cells. Boundary cells display distinct molecular and cellular properties such as an elongated shape, enriched extracellular matrix components and a reduced proliferation rate compared to intra-rhombomeric cells. However, little is known regarding their functions and the mechanisms that regulate their formation. Results. Hindbrain boundary cells express several signaling molecules, such as FGF3, which at earlier developmental stages is transiently expressed in specific rhombomeres. We show that chick embryos that lack boundary cells due to overexpression of truncated EphA4 receptor in the hindbrain have continued segmental expression of FGF3 at stages when it is normally restricted to hindbrain boundaries. Furthermore, surgical ablation of the boundary between r3 and r4, or blocking of the contact of r4 with boundary cells, results in sustained FGF3 expression in this segment. Conclusion. These findings suggest that boundary cells are required for the downregulation of segmental FGF3, presumably mediated by a soluble factor(s) that emanates from boundaries. We propose that this new function of boundary cells enables a switch in gene expression that may be required for stage-specific functions of FGF3 in the developing hindbrain.
A Kol, Sela-Donenfeld, D , and Klar, A . 2009. Characterization Of Dorsal Neuron Subtypes And Their Axonal Trajectories In The Chick Hindbrain. Mechanisms Of Development, 126, Pp. S197–S197. doi:10.1016/j.mod.2009.06.482.
H. Dan, Simsa-Maziel, S. , Hisdai, A. , Sela-Donenfeld, D. , and E. Ornan, Monsonego . 2009. Expression Of Matrix Metalloproteinases During Impairment And Recovery Of The Avian Growth Plate. Journal Of Animal Science, 87, Pp. 3544–3555. doi:10.2527/jas.2009-2068. Abstract
Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a prevalent skeletal abnormality associated with rapid growth rate in many avian species. It is characterized by the presence of a nonvascularized, nonmineralized lesion that extends from the epiphyseal growth plate into the metaphysis of the proximal tibiotarsal bones. In this study, we examined the expression of 4 members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family (MMP-2, -3, -9, and -13) in thiram-induced TD lesions and in the process of recovery from TD, by in situ hybridization analysis and quantitative real-time PCR. A model for the induction and recovery of TD was established, consisting of 3 groups of broilers: (1) thiram group, chicks fed a thiram-enriched diet to induce TD; (2) recovery group, chicks fed a thiram-enriched diet during the first week of the experiment and a normal diet from the sec-ond week on; and (3) control group, chicks fed a normal diet throughout the experimental period. In agreement with our previous data, the 4 MMP were diminished in the TD lesion (P < 0.05); however, in the current study we show that the growth plate was able to repair itself and that the MMP reappeared during the process of recovery from TD. Our results strengthen the link be-tween MMP expression and growth-plate impairment, and we suggest that gelatinase activity (MMP-2 and 9) facilitates this process.
Jenia Kosonovsky, Monsonego-Ornan, Efrat , and Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit . 2009. A New Effector, The Matrix-Metalloproteinase Mmp9, Is Essential For Neural Crest Onset Of Migration. In , Pp. S20–S21. doi:10.1016/j.mod.2009.06.1004.
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld, Wilkinson, David G, and Weisinger, Karen . 2009. Pattern Formation In The Hindbrain Requires Fgf Together With Inhibition Of Bmp By Follistatin. In , Pp. 428–428. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2009.05.150.
Galya Kayam and Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit . 2009. Pax6 Is Involved In The Early Hindbrain Patterning In The Chick Embryo. In , Pp. S234–S234. doi:10.1016/j.mod.2009.06.604.
Karen Weisinger, Wilkinson, David G, and Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit . 2008. Inhibition Of Bmps By Follistatin Is Required For Fgf3 Expression And Segmental Patterning Of The Hindbrain. Developmental Biology, 324, Pp. 213–225. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.09.005. Abstract
A network of molecular interactions is required in the developing vertebrate hindbrain for the formation and anterior-posterior patterning of the rhombomeres. FGF signaling is required in this network to upregulate the expression of the Krox20 and Kreisler segmentation genes, but little is known of how FGF gene expression is regulated in the hindbrain. We show that the dynamic expression of FGF3 in chick hindbrain segments and boundaries is similar to that of the BMP antagonist, follistatin. Consistent with a regulatory relationship between BMP signaling and FGF3 expression, we find that an increase in BMP activity due to blocking of follistatin translation by morpholino antisense oligonucleotides or overexpression of BMP results in strong inhibition of FGF3 expression. Conversely, addition of follistatin leads to an increase in the level of FGF3 expression. Furthermore, the segmental inhibition of BMP activity by follistatin is required for the expression of Krox20, Hoxb1 and EphA4 in the hindbrain. In addition, we show that the maintenance of FGF3 gene expression requires FGF activity, suggestive of an autoregulatory loop. These results reveal an antagonistic relationship between BMP activity and FGF3 expression that is required for correct segmental gene expression in the chick hindbrain, in which follistatin enables FGF3 expression by inhibiting BMP activity.
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld and Wilkinson, David G. 2005. Eph Receptors: Two Ways To Sharpen Boundaries. Current Biology, 15, Pp. R210–R212. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2005.03.013. Abstract
Eph receptors and ephrins can sharpen domains within developing tissues by mediating repulsion at interfaces. An Eph receptor has now been shown also to regulate cell adhesion within tissue subdivisions.
Tal Burstyn-Cohen, Stanleigh, Jonathan , Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit , and Kalcheim, Chaya . 2004. Canonical Wnt Activity Regulates Trunk Neural Crest Delamination Linking Bmp/Noggin Signaling With G1/S Transition. Journal Of Embryology And Experimental Morphology, 131, Pp. 5327–5339. doi:10.1242/dev.01424. Abstract
Delamination of premigratory neural crest cells depends on a balance between BMP/noggin and on successful G1/S transition. Here, we report that BMP regulates G1/S transition and consequent crest delamination through canonical Wnt signaling. Noggin overexpression inhibits G1/S transition and blocking G1/S abrogates BMP-induced delamination; moreover, transcription of Wnt1 is stimulated by BMP and by the developing somites, which concomitantly inhibit noggin production. Interfering with β-catenin and LEF/TCF inhibits G1/S transition, neural crest delamination and transcription of various BMP-dependent genes, which include Cad6B, Pax3 and Msx1, but not that of Slug, Sox9 or FoxD3. Hence, we propose that developing somites inhibit noggin transcription in the dorsal tube, resulting in activation of BMP and consequent Wnt1 production. Canonical Wnt signaling in turn stimulates G1/S transition and generation of neural crest cell motility independently of its proposed role in earlier neural crest specification.
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld and Kalcheim, Chaya . 2002. Localized Bmp4-Noggin Interactions Generate The Dynamic Patterning Of Noggin Expression In Somites. Developmental Biology, 246, Pp. 311–328. doi:10.1006/dbio.2002.0672. Abstract
Interactions between BMP4 and its inhibitor, noggin, regulate patterning of somites and neural crest. During mesoderm development, noggin mRNA is expressed in the intermediate mesoderm. Upon segmentation, it is detected in the lateral portion of epithelial somites becoming progressively medialized as they mature. In dissociated segments, noggin becomes transiently confined to the dorsomedial lip of the dermomyotome. Here, we investigated the factor(s) that control this lateral-to-medial shift in transcription of somitic noggin. Inhibition of BMP activity in the caudal lateral plate/intermediate mesoderm prevented noggin transcription in the lateral somite. Further rostrally (or later in development), inhibition of tube-derived BMP, but not of Wnt activity, prevented initial noggin expression in the dorsomedial lip of the dermomyotome. Moreover, BMP4 was sufficient to trigger initial expression of noggin even in the absence of ectoderm and/or neural tube, suggesting a direct action on the dorsomedial somite. Thus, the patterns of noggin transcription in somites are directly regulated by BMP4 activities emanating first from the mesoderm and later from the neural tube. Expression patterns of BMP4 and of type IA BMP receptors are spatiotemporally compatible with this lateral-to-medial shift. These results highlight the existence in the neural tube-mesoderm complex of a regulatory loop by which BMP positively regulates transcription of noggin, which in turn represses further ligand activity.
Akram Alian, Sela-Donenfeld, Dalit , Panet, Amos , and Eldor, Panet . 2000. Avian Hemangioma Retrovirus Induces Cell Proliferation Via The Envelope (Env) Gene. Virology, 276, Pp. 161–168. doi:10.1006/viro.2000.0550. Abstract
Several years ago, a field strain retrovirus, avian hemangioma virus (AHV), was isolated from hemangioma tumors in layer hens. Sequence analysis indicated that the AHV genome contains the three prototypic retroviral genes, gag, pol, and env, and is devoid of an oncogene. In cultured endothelial cells, however, AHV induced a significant cytopathic effect through a typical apoptotic cascade. We now demonstrate that AHV also induces cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth of BSC-1 epithelial cells and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. This was shown by measurements of (1) cell viability, (2) DNA synthesis, (3) flow cytometry analysis of the cell DNA content, and (4) clonogenic efficiency of the infected cells. Anchorage-independent cell growth was demonstrated by colony formation in soft agar. Moreover, the AHV env gene was cloned into a MuLV-based retroviral vector, and infection of NIH-3T3 cells with this vector induced cell proliferation as well as clonogenic growth. These results suggest that AHV, which is devoid of an oncogene, is a pleiotropic activator capable of inducing either apoptosis or cellular proliferation, depending on the infected cell type. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
D. Sela-Donenfeld and Kalcheim, C. . 2000. Inhibition Of Noggin Expression In The Dorsal Neural Tube By Somitogenesis: A Mechanism For Coordinating The Timing Of Neural Crest Emigration. Journal Of Embryology And Experimental Morphology, 127, Pp. 4845–4854. Abstract
We have previously shown that axial-dependent delamination of specified neural crest cells is triggered by BMP4 and negatively regulated by noggin. Increasing activity of BMP4 towards the rostral part of the axis is achieved by graded expression of noggin in the dorsal neural tube, the latter being high opposite unsegmented mesoderm, and progressively downregulated facing epithelial and dissociating somites, coinciding in time and axial level with initial delamination of neural crest cells (Sela-Donenfeld, D. and Kalcheim, C. (1999) Development 126, 4749-4762). Here we report that this gradient-like expression of noggin in the neuroepithelium is controlled by the paraxial mesoderm. Deletion of epithelial somites prevented normal downregulation of noggin in the neural tube. Furthermore, partial ablation of either the dorsal half or only the dorsomedial portion of epithelial somites was sufficient to maintain high noggin expression. In contrast, deletion of the segmental plate had no effect. These data suggest that the dorsomedial region of developing somites produces an inhibitor of noggin transcription in the dorsal neural tube. Consistent with this notion, grafting dissociating somites in the place of the unsegmented mesoderm precociously downregulated the expression of noggin and triggered premature emigration of neural crest progenitors from the caudal neural tube. Thus, opposite the unsegmented mesoderm, where noggin expression is high in the neural tube, BMP4 is inactive and neural crest cells fail to delaminate. Upon somitogenesis and further dissociation, the dorsomedial portion of the somite inhibits noggin transcription. Progressive loss of noggin activity releases BMP4 from inhibition, resulting in crest cell emigration. We propose that this inhibitory crosstalk between paraxial mesoderm and neural primordium controls the timing of neural crest delamination to match the development of a suitable mesodermal substrate for subsequent crest migration.
A Eldor, Alian, A , Sela-Donenfeld, D , Falk, H , Zwang, E , and Panet, A . 1999. Molecular Mechanisms Of Hemangioma Formation By A Retrovirus.. Blood, 94, Pp. 72B–72B.
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld and Kalcheim, Chaya . 1999. Regulation Of The Onset Of Neural Crest Migration By Coordinated Activity Of Bmp4 And Noggin In The Dorsal Neural Tube. Journal Of Embryology And Experimental Morphology, 126, Pp. 4749–4762. Abstract
For neural crest cells to engage in migration, it is necessary that epithelial premigratory crest cells convert into mesenchyme. The mechanisms that trigger cell delamination from the dorsal neural tube remain poorly understood. We find that, in 15- to 40-somite-stage avian embryos, BMP4 mRNA is homogeneously distributed along the longitudinal extent of the dorsal neural tube, whereas its specific inhibitor noggin exists in a gradient of expression that decreases caudorostrally. This rostralward reduction in signal intensity coincides with the onset of emigration of neural crest cells. Hence, we hypothesized that an interplay between Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal tube generates graded concentrations of the latter that in turn triggers the delamination of neural crest progenitors. Consistent with this suggestion, disruption of the gradient by grafting Noggin-producing cells dorsal to the neural tube at levels opposite the segmental plate or newly formed somites, inhibited emigration of HNK-1-positive crest cells, which instead accumulated within the dorsal tube. Similar results were obtained with explanted neural tubes from the same somitic levels exposed to Noggin. Exposure to Follistatin, however, had no effect. The Noggin-dependent inhibition was overcome by concomitant treatment with BMP4 which when added alone, also accelerated cell emigration compared to untreated controls. Furthermore, the observed inhibition of neural crest emigration in vivo was preceded by a partial or expression of cadherin-6B and rhoB but not in the expression of slug mRNA or protein. Altogether, these results suggest that a coordinated activity of Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal neural tube triggers delamination of specified, slug-expressing neural crest cells. Thus, BMPs play multiple and discernible roles at sequential stages of neural crest ontogeny, from specification through delamination and later differentiation of specific neural crest derivatives.
A Eldor, Sela-Donenfeld, D , Korner, M , Pick, M , and Panet, A . 1998. Avian Hemangioma Retrovirus Causes Apoptosis And Proliferation Depending On The Infected Cell Type. British Journal Of Haematology, 102, Pp. 146–146.
D SelaDonenfeld, Korner, M , Pick, M , Panet, A , and Eldor, A . 1997. Endothelial Tumors Induced By A Retrovirus: Cell-Cycle Effects And Functional Endothelial Perturbation. Thrombosis And Haemostasis, Pp. OC801–OC801.
A Eldor, SelaDonenfeld, D , Korner, M , Pick, M , and Panet, A . 1997. A Hemangioma Inducing Retrovirus Causes Apoptosis In Endothelial Cells And Proliferation And Transformation Of Other Cell Types.. Blood, 90, Pp. 1269–1269.
A Eldor, SelaDonenfeld, D , Korner, M , Pick, M , and Panet, A . 1996. Endothelial Cell Apoptosis And Loss Of Thromboresistance Induced By A Retroviral Protein. Blood, 88, Pp. 2034–2034.